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In a dystopian Sendai City, a megalopolis controlled by a totalitarian regime, a brutal murder is covered up with disturbing methods: bodies are frozen, evidence is erased, and silence is imposed as law. Alan Sheen, aka Orange,” a detective for the Psychic Police and a reluctant celebrity of official propaganda, is assigned to the case. But he soon discovers that no one wants the truth to come out.

As Orange searches for answers, a mysterious binary signal is intercepted by the Psychic Police laboratories. The signal is coming from Metropolis, a radioactive wasteland inhabited by mutants excluded from society. He suspects that rebels are plotting an attack, but the detective discovers that the real threats come from the heart of the regime itself. Political intrigue, manipulation and betrayal intertwine.

Category: Sci-fi, retro-futuristic, cyberpunk

Genre: Fiction-animation, 2D & 3D animation

Language: English

Format: Digital 4K

Target: Young adults/Adults

Directed by Marco Bolognesi

Black Flag is a journey into the dark future of Sendai City, a metropolis surrounded by neon lights and imposing skyscrapers, where the inhabitants live under the yoke of an oppressive and totalitarian regime. Their existence is dominated by a daily obsession: the television series “The Truth on Sendai City”. Completely enslaved to the distorted vision of the world proposed by the screen, the public is incited by a charismatic presenter, dressed in an authoritarian uniform, to emulate and idolize the characters of the series, blindly accepting the rules and behaviors imposed as true precepts of life.

Category: Sci-fi, retro-futuristic, cyberpunk

Genre: Fiction-animation, 2D & 3D animation

Language: Inglese (Sub. Italian)

Format: Digital 4K

Target: Ragazzi/Adulti

Directed by Marco Bolognesi

Produced byBomar Studio